Decluttering a closet doesn’t have to be so intimidating. At least that’s the idea most people have towards cleansing & detoxing your closet from a decade of piled up things you do not need or probably forgotten you had (guilty!)

Evaluate & Purge

Evaluate your closet by asking the tough questions. Go beyond the basic question of “when last did I wear this” ask a few more questions like:

  • How did I feel the last time I wore this piece?
  • Is it stressful maintaining this piece? (i.e. do I have to iron this every time I wear it, Is all of the hassle worth it?)
  • Do I need to be a certain weight to wear this and feel good in it? Stop dreaming of the weight you don’t have, own your body & TAKE IT OUT

Create a Capsule wardrobe

High quality staple pieces you can mix and match for different seasons. You’re more efficient with your clothes instead of constantly shopping for fast fashion trends which end up cluttering your closet faster!

Knowing your style helps you to curate looks you love to wear. It’s okay to throw in a few trends you love to keep your closet updated each season.

Sell Out or Donate (SOD)

You’re either saving money or saving time. Conventional knowledge would have you selling your Excess to a consignment online store or selling it out yourself at a shopping party or over IG (if you have a decent following), but because time = Money for everyone, Donate and be done with it!

Edit your closet

The more frequent the better, have a donation & sell out bin for later.

Asides decluttering your closet you can also declutter your life in general and here’s a challenge for everyone :). ALL YOU NEED TO DO?

Save! Join IN! and share your journey with me on

IG: @Thisthingcalledfashionn

Twitter: @NayondeTTCF

Pinterest: @Thisthingcalledfashion using #TTCFDeclutterChallenge

TTCF 30 days Declutter Challenge, Thisthingcalledfashion
TTCF 30 days Declutter Challenge, Thisthingcalledfashion

Do not forget to share your progress with me and the community on Social Media, can’t wait to experience the journey with you xx

|Thanks for reading|

Did you enjoy this post? Would you be taking part in this challenge? If so please drop your Pinterest and Instagram handles below!

Published by Nayonde

Creative Genius, Fashion Enthusiast, Digital Marketer, Personal Shopper, Economist and Philanthropist living in Lagos, Nigeria.


    1. It takes a while but the long term solution is after this purge learn to incorporate it into your lifestyle so it becomes part of you and not a one in a 6 months kinda thung

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